Bylaws of the FRANKLIN COUNTY DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE As approved, Sept. 9, 2018 ARTICLE I - PURPOSE The purpose of the committee is to elect Democrats and to create conditions to make it easier for Democrats to be elected, including:
Promoting the ideals and principles of the Democratic party.
Encouraging participation in the Franklin County Democratic Committee (FCDC).
Coordinating with local Democratic Party committees, the Maine Democratic Party (MDP), and the Democratic National Committee.
The Franklin County Democratic Committee operates under Maine state law, the charter of the Maine Democratic Party, and these bylaws.
ARTICLE III - MEMBERSHIP Franklin County residents who are enrolled Democrats become members of the FCDC in three ways:
Members are elected at the biennial municipal caucuses.
Each municipality is entitled to as many delegates to the FCDC as it has delegates to the state convention.The municipal chair, vice chair, and its secretary or treasurer are additional FCDC delegates.
At-large members are eligible to be elected by the FCDC after attending one meeting.
An eligible candidate asks the chair to be elected by the FCDC.
At the next scheduled meeting, eligible candidates are nominated from the floor. No second is required.
An at-large members term ends with the first meeting of the FCDC after the municipal caucuses.
Officers and Franklin County’s representatives on the MDP state committee are automatic members of the FCDC.
Attend monthly meetings of the FCDC.
Participate in the government and direction of the affairs and activities of the FCDC.
Elect county party officers and fill officer vacancies in the FCDC.
Fill vacancies in the delegation to the MDP state committee.
Elect members of the MDP standing committees, according to MDP rules.
Approve a budget, submitted by the Executive Committee.
Affirm bylaws at first meeting following municipal caucuses and consider amendments to the bylaws.
Consider resolutions.
Promote grass-roots Democratic organizations by working with the municipal committees and the FCDC.
Participate in FCDC activities and Democratic campaigns.
Officers are the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.
The FCDC may add other officers.
A person seeking an office on the FCDC must be an enrolled Democrat in Franklin County.
An officer candidate does not need to be a member of the FCDC to run for office.
Once elected, all officers become at-large voting members of the FCDC.
At the first or second regular meeting following the general election,the incumbent Chair calls the biennial meeting for the election of officers of the FCDC.
The Chair issues the call by written notice to all members of the FCDC, with at least seven days’ notice.
The Chair, or the chair’s designate, presides.
Officers are nominated from the floor and are elected by a majority of those members present and voting.
No second is necessary.
If only one candidate is nominated, the election is held by acclamation.
If two candidates are nominated, the election is determined by majority vote on a paper ballot.
If more than two candidates are nominated, the election is determined by Rank-Choice Voting (RCV) on a paper ballot.
The newly elected officers take office once the meeting ends.
Terms are two years, or until a replacement is elected.
Serves as the general executive officer and spokesperson of the FCDC.
Presides at all meetings of the FCDC.
Establishes committees as needed to address the business of the FCDC.
The chairmay be a member of any committee.
Attends MDP state committee and MDP Caucus of County Chairs meetings.
Serves as a liaison between the FCDC and the MDP, and reports on MDP policies and activities.
Approves disbursement of funds for operating and emergency expenses.
Performs other duties assigned by the FCDC.
The Vice Chair:
Attends all meetings of the FCDC.
Performs all duties of the Chair when the Chair is unable to perform them.
May be a member of any committee.
Performs duties the FCDC or the Chair assigns.
The Secretary:
Keeps minutes and attendance records of all FCDC meetings.
Makes records of meetings available to any member of the FCDC for examination or copying.
Keeps records of attendance at FCDC meetings.
Maintains lists of all members and officers of the county and municipal committees of the Franklin County Democrats.
Releases lists from the voter file in part or in whole only at the direction of the FCDC, since the lists are the property of the FCDC and the MDP.
Sends notices and minutes to FCDC members.
Performs other duties that the FCDC may assign.
The Treasurer:
Disburses funds as the FCDC requires.
Keeps a full and accurate record of all receipts and disbursements.
Deposits all funds in the name of the FCDC in a recognized bank or trust company.
Provides a report of the transactions and financial condition of the FCDC at every regular committee meeting and quarterly written reports.
Complies on a timely basis with all legal requirements relating to the receipt and disbursement of funds.
Performs other duties that the FCDC may assign.
The Executive Committee consists of all FCDC officers and Franklin County members of the MDP state committee.
The Executive Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the FCDC.
It may act on behalf of the county committee in case of an emergency.
An Executive Committee member may be removed for inaction or impropriety.
The FCDC meets monthly, unless the committee votes to change the schedule.
Special meetings are called by the chair, or at the written request of five committee members.
Notices of meetings must be sent at least seven days prior to meeting date, and will include the date, time, place, and if possible, the agenda for the meeting.
A quorum is seven members.
No proxies are allowed in any FCDC business.
State Committee members are elected at the Maine Democratic Party state convention according to a formula set by the MDP.
State committee members attend FCDC meetings, give reports when asked, and serve on the Executive Committee.
FCDC officers, FCDC members, and Franklin County members of MDP state committee may resign at any time.
The resignation must be in writing and takes effect when the Chair or Secretary receives it.
If a FCDC member resigns, the Chair notifies the municipal chair as soon as possible.
FCDC Officers, members of the FCDC, and Franklin County members of the MDP state committeemay be recalled because of inaction or impropriety.
A petition listing the reasons for the recall must be signed by 10 FCDC members.
The subject of the recall has the right to respond, either in writing or at the next meeting of the county committee.
A 30-day written notice of the recall election is required. The election will be set at a regular meeting of the county committee or a special meeting called for that purpose.
Recall requires a two-thirds vote of the FCDC present and voting.
Officers and MDP state committee members who are unable to complete their terms are replaced in the following manner:
If the Chair resigns, the vice chair serves as temporary chair until an election is held at the next meeting.
Elections for other officer, state committee member or state standing committee member vacancies are held at the next meeting, with seven days written notice.
If a FCDC member elected at a municipal caucus resigns, the vacancy is filled by the municipal committee.
If an at-large member resigns, there is no vacancy.
The latest version of the FCDC’s bylaws must be posted on its website.
A printed copy of the bylaws can be made available upon request of the secretary.
Proposed bylaw amendments are proposed at any regular meeting of the FCDC, for voting at the next regular meeting.
Written notices are sent at least seven days before that next meeting.
Adoption of a bylaw amendment takes a two-thirds majority by those present and voting.
A bylaw amendment can be adopted without notice by unanimous consent.
Each time bylaws are amended, they must be filed with the MDP.
Alternative method: The FCDC may form a committee to review the proposal.
If so, that committee will report to the FCDC at the next meeting, and the FCDC will vote whether to accept it by a two-thirds majority.
The most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised is to be used in situations that are not covered by state law, MDP charter and bylaws, or these bylaws.