1. Be brief. Three to five sentences can get your point across within the reader's attention span. 2. Be honest and polite. Exaggerations don't get published, and reason is more persuasive than rudeness. 3. Be quick. Respond to the issue as soon as you can, before the news has moved on. 4. Be keen-eyed. Proofread!
Click here to write a letter to the editor of the "Sun Journal."
Click here to write a letter to the editor of the "Morning Sentinel."
Click here to write a letter to the editor of the"Franklin Journal."
Click here to write a letter to the editor of the "Daily Bulldog."
Click here to write a letter to the editor of the "Irregular."
Click here to write a letter to the editor of the "Livermore Falls Advertiser."
Click here to write a letter to the editor of the "Rangeley Highlander."
1. Be early, and bring 40 copies of your testimony. You will need to sign in and get acclimated. 2. Dress professionally and be polite. Impressions are made quickly! 3. State clearly where you are from and how you stand on the issue. This establishes you as a constituent, and your connection to, and expertise with the issue. 4. Practice what you will be saying. Speaking from memory is more powerful than reading from a statement, and will ensure you stay within your time limit.
Click here for parking suggestions at the State House.
1. Address your legislator by his/her title, and identify yourself as his/her constituent with your address. 2. Write with your own words, as opposed to using a provided script, and be clear about your opposition or support for a particular bill, listing its number, and proofread carefully. 3. Justify your position with a brief personal story, or an example of your expertise as the connection to the issue. 4. Be clear about what you want your legislator to do, including writing you back.
Click here for writing to US Representative Jared Golden.
Click here for writing to Senator Russell Black (Senate District 17, which includes all municipalities and unorganized territories in Franklin County, as well as Belgrade, Fayette, Mount Vernon and Vienna in Kennebec County).
Click here for writing to Representative Randall Hall (House District 114 which includes the towns of Chesterville, Industry, New Vineyard, Strong, Temple and Wilton).
Click here for writing to Representative Scott Landry (House District 113 which includes Farmington and New Sharon).
Click here for writing to Representative Tom Skolfield (House District 112 which includes the towns of Anson, Avon, Carrabassett Valley, Carthage, Kingfield, New Portland, Phillips, Starks, Weld and Sandy River Plantation, plus the unorganized territories of East Central Franklin (including Freeman, Madrid and Salem Townships), and Perkins and Washington Townships).
Click here for writing to Sheila Lyman (House District 74 which includes Jay, Livermore (part) and Livermore Falls).
1. State your name and address to show you are a constituent. 2. State your opposition or support for a bill (and state its official number). 3. State your reason why briefly in your own words, rather than using a script. (If you have more to say, write a letter). 4. Request a response, but don't worry about speaking directly to your legislator. Speaking to an assistant or receptionist will still get your message across.
Click on the "Write or email your legislator" tab for your legislator's contact information.